The Nudge Series #17 : 2021 Should be About Intention-setting Instead of New Year Resolutions
Happy New Year!
As we leave behind one of the most challenging years in our country, it is no surprise that so many of us are eager for a fresh start. Many people have already started to set out visions and new goals for what they want to achieve, and hoping that they can steer away from some of the challenges of 2020. I have decided to do things a bit differently this year by shifting my energy on creating the mindset that will allow me to accomplish my goals instead of putting my focus on creating drafts of my new year resolutions.
New year resolutions are focused on formulating blueprints and step-by-step guidelines to follow for the year to help us achieve our goals, for example, an exercise schedule or a daily planner to keep you on track. However, how many times have you ever successfully followed that blueprint or guideline? How many times have you felt discouraged because you missed a step or a day?
These feelings of disappointment could influence how we feel about ourselves and how if/how we pursue our goals. Resolutions are either accomplished or completely fail. A focus on our mindset can shift how we do things, how we feel about things and it encourages a healthy relationship between the self and expectations. As important as it is to hold yourself accountable, it is more important that we set intentions and focus on a broader objective like our mental health and mindset. That doesn't mean we shouldn't set guidelines and blueprints, but instead that we set our central focus on our mindset. It's about the journey and not the destination.
To Get your Started, Here are Some Tips for How to Set your Intentions:
1. Choose a broad, less specific goal for an intention than you would for a resolution: For example, improving health, lowering stress, or becoming more mindful or present.
2. Get specific about ways to achieve that intention. For example, using less technology, spending more time in nature, or meditating.
3. Plan how to incorporate those efforts into your regular routines.
4. Use a journal to make note of your intentions and your successes as the year continue.
I hope you found these tips useful and that the new year brings you all that you desire.
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